Friday, February 20, 2009

A little more to the Right, please. Or we blow your brains off

The only place you'll find tolerance these days is in a dictionary.
The world's going flat and everybody is scared. Scared that followers of their faith will be exposed to other cultures and might end up liking them. Scared that youngsters these days do not believe in stereotypes and judge a person for what he or she is -- and not because she or he is a Yusuf, Suresh or a Cindy. Scared that in the pursuit of wealth and fame they will not bother about what this society was built on -- faith and intimidation.
Found a wonderful article written by Johann Hari, which, by the way, appeared in The Statesman and the editors were arrested because it "offended sensibilities of the minority community". Here's the link to the piece.
Back in Delhi, few of us bothered about the left- or the right-wingers. In fact, some of us in the newspapers had decided not to give publicity to the incredulous threats that were held out by the Bajrang Dals, Shiv Senas or the RPIs. But here in Karnataka, things are very different. The Karnataka Rakshana Vedikes, the Hoysala Senes, the Sri Ram Senes have been given a free run and you can't help but take note. If you don't, they beat the shit out of you.
Ultra-nationalism and patriotism is returning, guys. The last time it happened, we saw a World War breaking out. What will it be this time?

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